Whitminster Endowed C of E Primary School
A Family, A Foundation, A Future
Membership of the Governing Body
The composition of the governing body is recorded in the Instrument of Government.
The Governing Body can appoint Associate Members to serve on committees.
Associate Members are entitled to attend meetings of the committee to which they have been appointed and meetings of the full governing body. They may be given voting rights on committees but not at full governing body.
The Governing Body will record any voting rights accorded to Associate Members in the relevant committee’s Terms of Reference.
The Governing Body will adopt an agreed Code of Conduct.
Clerk to the Governors
The Governing Body will appoint a Clerk to Governors. In the absence of the clerk a governor (but not the headteacher) may take the Minutes of a meeting. The governing body must have regard to advice from the clerk as to the nature of the governing body’s functions.
The Governing Body will meet at least three times per school year.
All meetings will be convened by the clerk.
Written notice of meetings, with an agenda and any papers to be considered at the meeting, will be sent at least 7 days before the meeting.
The Chair may call a meeting with a shorter notice period if he/she considers that there are matters that demand urgent consideration, but the period of notice must be at least seven days if the matters include certain specified matters such as the removal of the Chair or the suspension of any governor.
Any three governors can request that the clerk convenes a meeting.
Governors must be present at a meeting to participate and vote. The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013 allow such presence to be by electronic means such as video conferencing.
If both the chair and vice chair are absent, another governor (but not any person employed to work at the school) can take the chair for that meeting.
Details of any discussions, disputes or disagreement must remain confidential to those present at the meeting. Governors will act at all times in accordance with the agreed Code of Conduct.
The clerk will maintain a Governors’ Register of Interests. Governors will also declare at the beginning of a meeting if they have any pecuniary or other interest in any item on the agenda, whether the interest has been previously registered or not.
If there is a dispute about a person being required to withdraw from a meeting, the matter of withdrawal shall be determined by the governing body.
Quorum and Decisions
The quorum for a full governing body meeting and vote is 50% of the total number of governors, minus any vacancies. This would be rounded up when there is a single governor vacancy.
The quorum for committees is as recorded in the individual committee’s Terms of Reference.
All decisions are made by the governing body, except where the governing body has delegated the function to a committee or an individual.
Decisions are made by simple majority of governors present and voting. Voting by proxy is not permitted.
In the event of a tie the chair has a second, or casting, vote.
Decisions of the governing body are binding on all members.
Chair and Vice Chair
The term of office of Chair is two years and will end on the date of the first meeting of the governing body after the anniversary of his/her election, or at the end of his/her term of office as a governor, whichever date is earlier.
The term of office of Vice-Chair is two years and will end on the date of the first meeting of the governing body after the anniversary of his/her election, or at the end of his/her term of office as a governor, whichever date is earlier.
If the Chair or Vice-Chair resigns or has to relinquish their office, the election of a successor will be an agenda item at the next meeting.
If the chair or vice-chair resigns or has to relinquish their office, the governing body must elect one of their number to fill that vacancy at their next meeting.
The election of chair and vice chair will be conducted by the following process:
Delegation of Functions
The governing body can delegate any of its statutory functions to a committee, a governor or to the headteacher, subject to prescribed restrictions.
The governing body remains responsible for any decisions taken, including those relating to a function delegated to a committee or an individual. The governing body can still perform functions it has delegated.
No action may be taken by an individual governor unless authority to do so has been formally delegated by the governing body. This does not preclude the chair or vice chair taking action under their emergency powers
The delegation of functions will be reviewed annually.
The following functions will be delegated to the committees or individuals named:
“The governing body agrees the delegation of the functions as described in the terms of reference for each committee.
The following committees will be set up with membership, quorum and functions as detailed in each committee’s Terms of Reference.
Each committee will have a chair, a clerk and a minimum quorum of three governors who are members of the committee:
Curriculum and Standards
School Development
Nominated Governors
Nominated governors will take responsibility for the following areas:
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Looked After Children
More Able, Gifted and Talented
Health and Safety
Governor Training and Induction will be the responsibility of the clerk